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💬ココナラ|Presentation 支援します Translation into Japanese

Presentation 支援します Translation into Japanese

I’ll support your presentation in Japanese.
Let’s make right presentation for Japanese people

◆My Service :
If you have a presentation to Japanese people in Japanese, it’s better to check your presentation slide.
Foreign people sometimes use wrong word and expression on it.
It makes audience uncomfortable. You might have a bad reputation.

Presentation in Japanese is not so easy because presenter should know right expression based on Japanese culture and business custom. Furthermore, impressive expression is more difficult for you.

I’ll support your presentation when you have it to Japanese people, company and other organization.

You can ask me everything. Don’t hesitate.

◆Support category
I’ll support for your business presentation and others as below.

– Self‐introduction
– Explanation of your background
– Speech at internal meeting
– Activity report
– Explanation of sales strategy
– Promotion examination
– Proposal for a new product and project
– Apology to customer

Please send your presentation slide in PowerPoint or PDF files.
I’ll check the word, sentence and expression then I’ll give you an advice.
I’ll accept about…
