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🍴Tabechok|Made with edible chalk ingredients! Ideal Osechi Championship During the New Year, enjoy osechi while relaxing at home. From classic dishes such as black beans, herring roe, and chestnut kinton...

Make it with edible chalk ingredients! Ideal Osechi Championship
During the New Year, enjoy osechi while relaxing at home. From classic dishes such as black beans, herring roe, and chestnut kinton...

Make it with edible chalk ingredients! Ideal Osechi Championship
During the New Year, enjoy osechi while relaxing at home. From standard dishes such as black beans, herring roe, and chestnut kinton, there are now a variety of dishes on sale, such as roast beef, chirashi sushi, and sweets. I would be happy if I could enjoy delicious food until I was full during the relaxing New Year's time. Therefore, three food-loving Tabechok staff members came up with an ideal New Year's dish championship! Is it insane that fresh food and sweets are included in Osechi? That's fine, because it's the ideal. That's why we have a new year's lineup full of favoritism...
→See more in detail in the "Eat Choku" recommended article where selected vegetables arrive directly from producer