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🍴 Tabe Choku|[Choose based on usage] We will teach you how to find the best tomatoes!Tomatoes are often eaten raw in Japan.Actually, tomatoes are suitable for eating as is...

[Choose based on usage] We will teach you how to find the best tomatoes!
Tomatoes are often eaten raw in Japan.Actually, tomatoes are suitable for eating as is...

[Choose based on usage] We will teach you how to find the best tomatoes!
Tomatoes are often eaten raw in Japan.Did you know that there are actually two types of tomatoes: ``tomatoes that are suitable for eating as is'' and ``tomatoes that become sweeter when heated''?However, it is difficult to distinguish between the more than 60 types of tomatoes in Japan alone.Therefore, in this article, we will explain "tomatoes for raw consumption" and "tomatoes for cooking" separately so that you can choose tomatoes according to your purpose.Tomatoes that can be eaten raw There are many types of tomatoes that can be eaten raw, such as sweet, sour, and strong aromas. ``Sweet tomatoes'', ``rich-tasting tomatoes'', ``well-balanced tomatoes''...
→See more in detail in the "Eat Choku" recommended article where selected vegetables arrive directly from producer