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🍴 Eat choku | [Which apple are you? ] Find your favorite!Serious apple feature What kind of apple do you like?Sweet apple?Or is it refreshing...

[Which apple are you? ] Find what you like!Serious apple feature
what kind of apples do you likeSweet apple?Or is it refreshing...

[Which apple are you? ] Find what you like!Serious apple feature
what kind of apples do you likeSweet apple?Or a refreshing apple?There are over 2,000 varieties of apples in Japan alone!With so many, it's hard to find your favorite!Therefore, we have created a serious variety chart that allows you to meet your “favorite apples” according to taste preference and season.If you want to choose your favorite apple, the key point is the "taste", that is, the balance between sweetness and sourness!Therefore, we will mainly introduce apples that can be harvested from August to October, roughly divided into three categories: "sweet varieties", "refreshing sour varieties", and "good balance of sweetness and sourness". . …
→See more in detail in the "Eat Choku" recommended article where selected vegetables arrive directly from producer